Tuesday, April 19, 2011


100 Years Ago

There was a crowded attendance at the Baptist Chapel, Monday evening, when the choir, assisted by friends from Shepton Mallet, gave an entertainment in aid of the choir funds.

The census was duly taken in Shepton Mallet on Monday last, when there was a normal population, though from various causes it is doubtful whether the figure of 5,000 will be much exceeded, if indeed it be reached on this occasion.

March went out lamb-like, but April, following the credit given by an old saw, took advantage of "the borrowing days" and has this week treated us to weather blizzard-like in its blinding east wind and snow blunts.

The Mendips have been white for a couple of days and ice formed during Wednesday night on water left in utensils in houses. It is hoped that the Arctic conditions will not long prevail.

50 years ago

Shepton Mallet rural councillors agreed to a local rate increase of a shilling at their monthly meeting on Friday, increasing the general rate to be levied in the area by a total of 1/8d to 20/2d in the pound.

The rateable value of the Shepton Mallet rural area stood at �78,465 at March 3rd of this year. In a report to the Council from the Rating Committee it was stated that this represented an increase of �570 since July last year.

Farewell presentations were made to the Commandant and RSM of the Shepton Mallet Military Prison and Detention Barracks on Wednesday, when the men who have served under them gathered together with their wives for a formal farewell evening.

Lt.-Col. J.C.M. Morton Clarke, the commandant, leaves on May 6 to become deputy officer in charge of infantry records at York.

25 Years Ago

Shepton Mallet conservationists are backing a pavement improvement scheme in the centre of the town.

They are supporting a scheme to tackle the uneven and narrow pavement slabs outside the town centre's Kiosk newsagent. Shepton residents have labelled the area "hazardous".

Hopes of re-opening Shepton Mallet's maternity unit at St Peter's Hospital are fading fast and there are plans to provide an alternative service in the town.

Mendip planners have put the brakes on plans to develop land bound by Commercial Road and Little Ostry in Shepton Mallet.

But they are anxious to negotiate with the applicant, Mr Robin Gould, to try and find a suitable development plan for the site which has been derelict for some years. Planners threw out the application after a Highway Authority directive that the proposed access road was unsafe.

Shepton Mallet-based shoe firm C and J Clark Ltd has been given the go-ahead to transform a redundant Roman Catholic Church into a research and development laboratory.

Mendip planners approved plans to install a first floor into the Georgian Gothic 1800 church without any external alterations.

10 Years Ago

The future of Shepton Mallet's cemetery could be in danger if it is taken over by the town council.

That was the warning from Mary Reeves, secretary of the Friends of the Cemetery, speaking this week. She said the town council did not have the time, funds or manpower to take on the job of maintaining the cemetery.

The project manager of a Shepton Mallet club has retired after 17 years in charge.

Betty Bower, a WRVS volunteer, has been involved with the lunch club, held at the Methodist Hall, since she retired from work in 1983. In recent years she has run the project, with help from six other volunteers, providing an opportunity to socialise for around 30 elderly members.

Farmers across the region could get a much-needed boost from a partnership unveiled earlier this week.

The Royal Bath and West of England Society has teamed up with Michael Eavis, organiser of the Glastonbury Festival, to investigate the possibility of a Farm Aid concert later this year.

The chips were anything but down when Shepton Mallet housewife Pat Jeremiah went to her deep freeze.

In a packed of McCain's Hash Browns she discovered a large blue plastic circle.

It turned out to be the key for a week's free holiday of a lifetime in California.

Source: http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/glastonburyfestival/Yesteryear/article-3411970-detail/article.html

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